Up In Smoke: Smoking Hotels In Chicago

Chicago is a vibrant and bustling city known for its stunning architecture, deep-dish pizzas, and vibrant culture. But for those who love a good smoke, finding a smoking-friendly hotel can be quite a challenge. In this article, we’ll explore the world of smoking hotels in Chicago, discussing the few hidden gems where you can enjoy your favorite vice without any hassle. So if you’re planning a visit to the Windy City and looking for a smoke-friendly place to stay, read on to discover the best options that will have you up in smoke in no time.

The Smoking Ban in Chicago

Chicago, known for its bustling city life and rich cultural experiences, has seen significant changes in its smoking policies over the years. The driving force behind these changes is the aim to create a healthier and smoke-free environment for residents and visitors alike. In this article, we will delve into the history of the smoking ban in Chicago, explore the current regulations on smoking in hotels, discuss the exceptions to the ban, examine the impact of the ban on hotels, and look at alternative solutions for smokers in the city.

History of smoking ban in Chicago

The smoking ban in Chicago was implemented in stages, with the initial restrictions being placed on public places in 2005. This included bars, restaurants, and other indoor venues. The ban was met with mixed reactions, with some praising the decision for its health benefits and others expressing concerns about the infringement on personal freedoms.

In 2008, the smoking ban was extended to include smoking within a certain distance of public building entrances. This further limited the areas where smokers could indulge in their habit. Over time, the ban expanded to include recreational areas, park facilities, and beaches. The aim was to create a smoke-free environment throughout the city, promoting a healthier lifestyle for residents and tourists alike.

Current regulations on smoking in hotels

As of now, smoking is prohibited in all hotel rooms and common areas throughout the city of Chicago. This means that guests who wish to smoke must find alternative solutions or consider hotels that offer designated smoking areas or outdoor smoking options. The smoking ban applies to all hotels, regardless of their star rating or location within the city.

Exceptions to the Smoking Ban

While smoking is generally not allowed within hotels in Chicago, there are certain exceptions to the ban. These exceptions have been put in place to accommodate those who wish to smoke during their stay.

Designated smoking areas in hotels

Some hotels have designated smoking areas within their premises. These areas are often well-ventilated and away from major foot traffic, ensuring that non-smoking guests are not inconvenienced. These areas may include designated rooms or outdoor spaces such as balconies or courtyard areas.

Outdoor smoking areas in hotels

In addition to designated smoking areas within hotels, some establishments offer outdoor smoking areas for guests. These areas are usually designated in a way that minimizes the impact of secondhand smoke on non-smoking guests. Outdoor smoking areas may include designated seating areas or terraces where guests can comfortably smoke while enjoying the fresh air.

Impact of the Smoking Ban on Hotels

The smoking ban in Chicago has had a noticeable impact on the hotel industry.

Decrease in smoking-friendly hotels in Chicago

Since the implementation of the smoking ban, the number of smoking-friendly hotels in Chicago has seen a significant decrease. This has limited options for smokers visiting the city, as they now have fewer accommodations to choose from that cater to their smoking needs. Many hotels have been forced to adapt to the ban by becoming smoke-free establishments, thereby aligning themselves with the prevailing trend toward healthier environments.

Financial implications for hotels

For hotels that have chosen to maintain smoke-friendly accommodations, the ban has had financial implications. With a decrease in demand for smoking rooms, these hotels have had to invest in alternative solutions, such as designated smoking areas or special ventilation systems, in order to continue offering a smoking option to their guests. These investments come at a cost, which in turn affects the financial performance of these establishments.

Hotel Experiences for Smokers

For smokers visiting Chicago, the smoking ban has limited their options and presented challenges in finding accommodations that cater to their needs.

Limited options for smokers

The smoking ban has significantly limited the number of options available for smokers in Chicago hotels. While some hotels continue to offer designated smoking areas or outdoor smoking spaces, these options may be limited in number or may not be available in all hotels. This means that smokers have to conduct additional research and make specific requests to ensure they find a hotel that meets their smoking preferences.

Guest satisfaction and review analysis

The impact of the smoking ban on guest satisfaction in hotels can be analyzed through reviews and feedback provided by visitors. Analysis of guest reviews reveals that smokers often express dissatisfaction with the limited options available to them. Negative reviews often cite the inconvenience of having to leave the hotel premises to smoke or being unable to find accommodations that cater to their smoking needs, leading to lower overall satisfaction with their stay.

Alternative Solutions for Smokers

In light of the smoking ban, smokers visiting Chicago must explore alternative solutions to ensure a comfortable stay.

Smoking rooms versus smoking areas

Some hotels offer smoking rooms as an alternative to smoking in common areas. These rooms are designed specifically for smokers and are equipped with ventilation systems to reduce the spread of smoke to non-smoking areas. However, the availability of smoking rooms is limited due to the smoking ban, and smokers may have to make special requests or search extensively to find a hotel that offers this option.

Alternatively, hotels may provide designated smoking areas where guests can comfortably smoke without impacting non-smoking guests. These areas are typically well-ventilated and situated away from common areas to minimize disturbance. Guests can request rooms near these designated areas for added convenience.

Ventilation systems in smoking hotels

Hotels that have chosen to maintain smoking accommodations have invested in advanced ventilation systems to ensure that the spread of smoke is minimized. These systems are designed to extract smoke from rooms and designated areas, preventing it from seeping into non-smoking areas and reducing the impact of secondhand smoke. Ventilation systems are a vital consideration for hotels aiming to provide a smoke-friendly environment while still complying with the smoking ban.

Smoking Hotels in Popular Tourist Areas

For smokers who wish to stay in hotels near popular tourist areas in Chicago, there are limited options available.

Smoking hotels near Michigan Avenue

Michigan Avenue is a vibrant shopping district that attracts numerous tourists every year. While there are limited smoking-friendly options directly on Michigan Avenue, some hotels in the nearby vicinity offer designated smoking areas or smoking rooms for guests. These accommodations provide a convenient location for smokers to enjoy their stay while being close to the action.

Smoking hotels near Navy Pier

Navy Pier is another popular tourist destination, known for its stunning views of Lake Michigan and a wide range of entertainment options. Hotels near Navy Pier have also responded to the smoking ban by offering designated smoking areas or smoking rooms. Smokers visiting this area can choose accommodations that cater to their preference while being in close proximity to the pier.

Promoting Smoke-Free Environments

While the smoking ban in Chicago has presented challenges for smokers, it has also paved the way for the promotion of smoke-free environments in hotels.

Smoke-free policies in hotels

Many hotels in Chicago have embraced the smoke-free environment concept and have implemented policies to ensure the comfort and well-being of all guests. These policies prohibit smoking in all areas of the hotel, including rooms, common areas, and designated areas. By adopting smoke-free policies, hotels can cater to the majority of guests who prefer a smoke-free environment while ensuring a healthier and more pleasant stay for all.

Promotion of non-smoking accommodations

Hotels are actively promoting their non-smoking accommodations to attract guests who prioritize smoke-free environments. By highlighting their smoke-free policies and amenities, hotels are targeting health-conscious individuals and families who seek a clean and fresh environment during their stay. Marketing efforts often focus on the benefits of a smoke-free atmosphere, including improved air quality, reduced health risks, and a more enjoyable experience for all guests.

Legal and Health Considerations

The smoking ban in Chicago is the result of legal obligations and health considerations that aim to protect individuals from the harmful effects of smoking and secondhand smoke.

Legal obligations for hotels

Hotels in Chicago are legally required to comply with the smoking ban and ensure that smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas covered by the ban. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in penalties and legal consequences. It is therefore crucial for hotels to implement and enforce smoke-free policies to avoid any legal issues that may arise.

Health risks of secondhand smoking in hotels

The health risks associated with secondhand smoke are well-documented, and hotels have a responsibility to protect their guests from exposure. By offering smoke-free accommodations and enforcing the ban on smoking, hotels contribute to creating a healthier and safer environment for all visitors. This not only benefits non-smoking guests but also protects the well-being of hotel staff who may be exposed to secondhand smoke during their work.

Future Outlook for Smoking Hotels

The future of smoking hotels in Chicago is uncertain, as the city continues to prioritize smoke-free environments and healthier lifestyles.

Emergence of smoke-free hotel chains

As the demand for smoke-free accommodations continues to grow, it is likely that we will see more smoke-free hotel chains emerging in the industry. These establishments will cater to the majority of guests who prefer to stay in a smoke-free environment, while offering innovative amenities and services that enhance the overall guest experience. The emergence of smoke-free hotel chains reflects the evolving preferences of travelers and the industry’s commitment to providing healthier alternatives.

Government’s stance on smoking in hotels

The government’s stance on smoking in hotels is expected to remain aligned with the smoke-free initiatives implemented in Chicago and other cities. Continued efforts to promote healthier environments and protect individuals from the harms of smoking and secondhand smoke will likely result in stricter regulations and fewer exceptions to the smoking ban. It is essential for hotels to align themselves with these policies and adapt to the changing landscape of the industry.


The smoking ban in Chicago has had a significant impact on the hotel industry, particularly in terms of limited options for smokers and financial implications for hotels. Smokers visiting Chicago must explore alternative solutions, such as smoking rooms or designated smoking areas, to ensure a comfortable stay. Hotels have responded to the ban by promoting smoke-free environments, implementing smoke-free policies, and investing in ventilation systems. Despite the challenges, both legal and health considerations support the ban and contribute to a healthier and safer environment for all. The future outlook for smoking hotels points towards an increase in smoke-free hotel chains and continued government support for smoke-free initiatives. As the city progresses towards a smoke-free environment, alternative options for smokers in Chicago hotels will become increasingly important.